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Sustainability in cataract surgery in Greece Survey by HSIOIRS

The Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgery (HSIOIRS) as part of its participation in the EyeSustain initiative compiled a questionnaire on sustainability practices in cataract surgery.

The aim of this short research is to understand the degree of interest of Greek ophthalmologists in the issue of sustainability in ophthalmology, the degree of possible incorporation of sustainable practices in cataract surgery and to obtain a clear picture of the practices applied in ophthalmology clinics in Greece and the scope for strengthening them.

You can take the survey here (in Greek)

Myopia Survey by the Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgery (HSIOIRS)

The rapid increase in the number of people suffering from myopia worldwide in recent years is the reason for this new initiative of the Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgery (HSIOIRS).

It aims to answer questions on the occurrence, development and treatment of myopia in Greece.

You can see the survey results here