Young Eye Surgeons
The training program includes
Surgical Simulator
Training programs with the Eyesi surgical simulator.
The first program organized under the supervision of HSIOIRS, was the ESCRS training program “Moving Simulator”, that took place in Athens from October 30 to December 12, 2023. HSIOIRS will host once again the ESCRS simulator, this time at Thessaloniki, from March 5th to May 5th, 2025.
While, during the 38th HSIOIRS Congress, February 29 – March 2, 2024, training sessions were organized on the Eyesi surgical simulator on all 3 days of the Congress.
Study e-books
These are study books in the Greek language, which will be created by a team of young ophthalmic surgeons (YES), under the supervision of experienced ophthalmologists and will be continuously enriched. The aim is to get acquainted with the writing of scientific texts and the research for bibliography and other scientific sources.
Review flash cards
Study cards that facilitate the preparation for all exams (specialty, EBO, etc.).
Residents Grand Rounds
Discussion of interesting cases in groups of students – students become teachers. The preparation and discussion of the cases is being done by residents under the supervision / guidance of experienced ophthalmologists. The aim is to familiarize yourself with the preparation, obtaining a medical history and clinical information for the presentation of a medical case.
Residents Round Table
It is an integral part of our annual congress and contributes to familiarizing young ophthalmologists with lectures and participation in scientific events. A new action is the creation afterwards of a video clip (vBook) of speeches so that residents can train on virtual presentations, webinars and other modern digital activities.
Liaison Office
The aim is to create a connection with training centers abroad for obserevership and fellowship programs and to consult with ophthalmologists who have worked in such medical centers for the correct educational orientation of the new ophthalmologists.
For many consecutive years it has been the basic and integral educational activity at the annual HSIOIRS congress. It is a key ingredient in the development of surgical skills and is enriched every year with new subjects.
With all these new actions, HSIOIRS aims to help young ophthalmologists not only in their surgical development but also in other key components of an integrated scientist, such as extroversion and presence in the international scientific community, the cultivation of the spirit of cooperation and teamwork and lifelong learning.
We invite all ophthalmologists to send suggestions for the enrichment of this section.